What to do when Lenovo Laptops Keyboard working is wacky?

Keyboard problem creates a lot of trouble for the user when it occurs. As much of our work is done with the help of keyboard and if it starts behaving wacky, then it’s very hard to do any task related to it. We can’t type a document, name it or create any presentation due to this problem.

Lenovo Technical support

Important steps explained by Lenovo Support:

  1. Power on your Lenovo laptop. Enter the BIOS screen by pressing F1 key on keyboard.
  • A message “Entering System Setup” will show on the screen.
  • If you are successful in entering BIOS then ensure that you can navigate through the list to make sure basic functionality.
  • Press Caps Lock key and check if the indicator light is turned on or off.
  1. If you fail to enter the BIOS, press blue ThinkVantage button or hit Enter
  2. Restart the Lenovo laptop, click Start button and then move to All Programs.
  3. Click Accessories from the available list of options and then click Notepad.
  4. Notepad application will open up. Now, press each key on the keypad and check which button is creating an issue. If several buttons are not working then make a note of these.
  5. Confirm to see if any mapping software is installed that would be interrupting with normal keyboard functions.
  6. After performing all above steps, boot into Windows Safe Mode and check the functionality of keyboard with notepad.
  7. Confirm that the latest BIOS for the ThinkPad system is installed.
  8. Also, verify that the latest Hotkey driver for the system is installed on your laptop.
  9. Finally, reset the keyboard settings if applicable.

All these instructions are for internal keyboard, if you’re finding the solution for external USB keyboard, then it’s better to visit our website or call us at Lenovo Technical Support Number 1-800-857-256. By dialing this toll-free number, users can acquire instant help from our experts. The ideal solution to eradicate technical troubles is to reach us as soon as possible. We provide quick fixes to all technical glitches with our latest tools and techniques. There may be many difficulties in your way to which an urgent action needs to be taken. Approach us instantly to rectify all blunders of Lenovo laptop.

What is the software solution of overheating in Lenovo laptops?

Overheating is the bane for any electronic device out there. Therefore, the same can be said about the Lenovo laptops. Due to the overheating issue, the speed of a computer system is hampered to a disastrously low degree. While there is a plethora of hardware ways to deal with this issue, the software approach is most often the safest.  The software approach that we are going to discuss here is- Increasing the fan speed.

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The way to set the fan speed to its fullest might not be the best auditory choice, but it is certainly the best one when it comes to software approach to solving the heat outpour in the system. The experts of Lenovo Support have come up with a more streamlined approach of achieving the penultimate fan speed.

Steps to increase the fan speed of a Lenovo laptop

  1. First you need to find out whether your BIOS have the option that can avail you to achieve this feat. If not, then you need to download the latest version BIOS for the official website and turn off the system after installing it.
  2. Turn on the system. Once you are at the initial stage of the boot where the motherboard information shows up, click on the “Del” key to access the BIOs settings. In most cases, you might have to press upon the key a little while longer.
  3. Once you are in the BIOS, select “System Monitor” on the BIOS main menu. In the resultant settings, move on to the “Fan Control”. Follow this by choosing the “CPU fan Speed control” option.
  4. Change the control from automatic to manual and set the percentage of fan speed straight up to 100 %.
  5. Press upon the “F10” key and restart your system to make sure that these changes apply to the normal settings.

Once you hear a loud humming noise, it is evident that the procedure works. In case the heating has not dampened even after applying the above steps, you should get in touch with our experts via our Lenovo Support Number 1-800-857-256. Our experts will assist you in dampening the heat and will also assist you with other issues should you face any.

Install drivers on Lenovo laptop manually

If you are looking for a process to install drivers for Lenovo laptop, you are at the right place. This blog provides the easiest and simplest method to download and install drivers. Follow the instructions provided below by the Lenovo Support carefully:

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Steps to Download File:

  1. Click on the ‘underlines filename’ and some pop-up windows will open.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Select Run or Save in the window and then hit the Save
  4. Select a folder you want to download the file to and hit the Save button again.
  5. On a new window, drivers will start downloading and the process finishes.
  6. A message or may not appear stating the status of the download process, whether it is successfully completed or failed.

Steps to extract the file:

  1. Log in to your administrator account.
  2. Go to the folder where you downloaded the file.
  3. Double-click the file and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Hit the Next button in the Select Destination Location window. Hit the Browse button if you want to choose a different folder.
  5. Click Install at the Ready to install window. All the required files will be extracted to the selected folder.

Steps to install files:

  • Tick the box located beside “Install…..now” and hit the Finish
  • To finish the installation, follow the on-screen instructions and restart your laptop.

Our technicians are always geared up to help the customers with any problem occurring in Lenovo products. Lenovo Technical Support Australia 1-800-857-256 ensures that every minute issue seeks the technician’s attention and is resolved within a short span of time. The spontaneous and unsurpassed solutions are given by the experts to get rid of any trouble customers are coming up with. Let it be the information regarding updates, fixing problems, learning about feature of your brand new products and its services user ask for, it will be given with ease and comfort. All you need to do is just make a call and get your issues fixed instantly.

5 Interesting Facts about Lenovo, Which you had no idea

Lenovo, now the well known brand has a history which not all of us are aware of. Read the facts in the following blog and you will be surprised with the facts related to the company:

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  1. Since Lenovo as a brand is very cool and therefore, we believe it is a comparatively newer brand but did you know it was found in November 1, 1984. Yes, that way back, it was founded by Liu Chuanzhi with a group of ten engineers and about $30,000 or 200,000 yuan. Pretty impressive, right?
  2. Gathering from the Lenovo Support team, Yang Yuanqing felt “legend” was too common a word for a company name for a tech brand. The current name is still rooted in a very unique way where “Le-” from legend and “-novo”, means “new” in Latin. Basically, the name of the enterprise means “the new Legend”. During this promotion, most of the ads featured an image of the company’s new logo with blue sky as a backdrop and a single line “Transcendence depends on how you think”.
  3. So, if you are thinking about why did it gets its due so late, it is because of the name of the brand. At first, it was named “New Technology Developer, Inc.” and then for 15 years, it was known as the “Legend” and it got its name “Lenovo” only at 2003. This name changing game might help you in understanding about its popularity being received so late.
  4. As mentioned in one of the previous facts, it has a pretty slow start with only 10 engineers but in 1988, the company posted a recruitment ad on the front page of China Youth News. This ad had the most overwhelming response and there were over 500 applicants, a written exam for 280 candidates, amongst that 120 candidates received interview calls and 58 who were given official offers and brought on board. To make a rather interesting fact, the current CEO of Lenovo, Yang Yuanquing is one of the hires of this recruitment lot.
  5. Well, if you thought, it is just another PC company, hold on a second. Currently, the company holds approximately 20 percent of global PC sales, which accounts to 65 percent of the company’s total revenue approximately. With its high-quality and super sleek personal computers, Lenovo’s annual revenue is 65 percent due to the company’s growing mobile division; earlier it was 80 percent to be precise.

Call on our Lenovo Support Number 1-800-857-256 for any issues or queries with your Lenovo device and we will assist you through the process. We have a talented bunch of technicians who are extremely rich in their knowledge in computers.